Sacred Stories with Robin Wald

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Sacred Surrender with Robin Wald

Our conversation explores Robin's growth, healing, and transformation over the last five years since ending a 24 year marriage. We dive into the lessons of growing into our own power, surrender, trust, intuition, and inner listening.

Robin's story invites us to consider:

~During times of uncertainty, how can we connect to the Divine as an indwelling place, the Shechina, in Hebrew?

~How can we deepen our own inward listening, without judgment?

~Using tarot as an intuition validator.

~The dance between inner knowing versus listening to a force larger than us. Duality consciousness versus unity consciousness.

About Robin:

Robin Wald is a professional astrologer, life coach, yoga and meditation teacher, and Jewish educator. With cosmic wisdom and compassionate presence, Robin supports her clients to gain clarity and insight into themselves, their life purpose, and their own resourcefulness to manifest their best selves in wholeness and love.

Connect with Robin:

IG: @robinwaldcosmicwisdom

FB: RobinWald or @robinwaldcosmicwisdom

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