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Sacred Journey

The magic of Sacred Journey, my intentions for you, and how we integrate our spiritual, emotional, and communal flourishing.

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To get to this place of joy and magic, there are four foundations that I weave through Sacred Journey.

As you experience and integrate them, it becomes easier and more natural to live in integrity and joy.

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Can you feel into how integrating these foundations starts to shift your life?

Deep change is the culmination of nurturing all of us. Our humanity AND our Divinity.

It is an ever-expanding journey to live differently and create lives that feel like holy heck yes’s!

That’s why Sacred Journey is a year-long invitation.

Be forewarned... most of our Sacred Journey-ers love it so much they remain with us much longer.

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Our year together is divided into 5 chapters each with its own theme.

Spring ~ Passover: From Narrowness to the Promised Land
Springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth. How can we look at the narrative of moving from a place of constriction to expansion in our own lives? When the biblical figure Moses encounters the burning bush, had it been burning all along or did it ignite precisely when he appeared? What in our own lives are we ready to encounter now that we were not able to before? In the journey of freedom, what is your Promised Land?
Summer: Nature's Rhythms & Ritual
Nature offers us such guidance for our human journey--modeling the wisdom in cycles of birth and destruction, growth and rest. The Sabbath also is another way we mark sacred time. One day each week we are invited to dedicate ourselves to rest, renew our connection to holiness, and cultivate joy. Which of these values to do feel drawn towards? How might you create authentic sacred time for yourself? We add to this intentionality the practice of ritual. Ritual where the Eternal and temporal touch. Together we explore blessings as a way to consecrate our lives through ritual.
Early Fall ~ High Holy Days: Return to Our Essence
Early fall brings the Jewish New Year and day of at-one-ment. This season is a time of turning. Turning inward and reflecting on the year that was. Returning to our truest self. Turning toward others to ask for forgiveness for ways we missed the mark. Turning forward to the coming year to ask what within us wants to be created. As we reflect on the past year, we ask ourselves, “What story of my life is asking to be written this year?”
Mid-Fall ~ Sukkot: Harvesting Our Joy
There is a Jewish teaching that deems we will all be called to account for every legitimate pleasure we did not enjoy. After the inner rigor of deep introspection, we are commanded to partake in joy! What is true joy for you? How can you intentionally cultivate more joy in your life in a way that feels authentic? Are there things you are called to stop doing that would lead to more joy?
Winter ~ Hanukkah: Miracles as a Change in Perception
As the days grow shorter and darker, we turn our hearts to miracles. How do you understand miraculous moments? What might it be like for every day to be a miracle treasure hunt? If we see miracles as a change in perception, how can we work with perceptions that are causing us suffering? Then, as we move into late winter, we will partake in a festive meal together to ritualize the first buds beginning to appear on trees and the first seedlings germinating beneath the soil. How do we see our own inner lives like these plants--what hard shells protect us? What husks need to break for our own sprouts to blossom?


About Your Guide: Rabbi Jessica K. Marshall

A few stories that have shaped my Sacred Journey....

In first grade, there was another student in my class who didn't have a lot of friends and was made fun of by the other kids. Her mom had died and I didn't know anyone who had that kind of loss in first grade. I instinctively brought her into my circle, praised the things she did well, and had this intuitive sense that offering her companionship and a sense of inclusion was my role in her life, even at age six.

Then I remember back to potluck dinners I relished hosting in high school. Gathering friends from different parts of my life and bringing them together was my delight. We shared a lot of laughter, but we also spoke our deep questions and struggles. I offered a place to encounter camaraderie during our teenage years, sharing in our highs and lows and cheerleading each other.

I recall the moment when I decided I wanted to be a rabbi–while sitting at Friday night services during college. First the rabbi officiated at a baby naming, and then he blessed a couple on their 58th wedding anniversary. I was so struck by the power of marking sacred time and the way ritual can transform any event into an extraordinary one.

I flash back to all my years as a congregational rabbi–the gift of standing beside my congregants within the beauty and fragility of life and my own inner clarity to ensure I was living in deep integrity and making choices to prioritize what mattered most and realizing that I wanted to help others do the same.

I left my congregation in 2017 to fully devote myself to my own creative expression as a rabbi and my commitment to nurture others to feel seen, included, connected with Divinity and deep meaning in their lives.

In all of these stories is a thread of soul-dedication to integrating the essentiality of our spiritual, emotional, and communal lives.

My passion for the power of immersive experiences extends to retreats and weddings. I relish inviting folks from all spiritual backgrounds learn to hear their unique soul wisdom and create deeply satisfying and open-hearted lives! I enjoy guiding with humor, Divine presence, authenticity and overflowing compassion.

Writing, podcasting, and distance cycling all extend my enthusiasm for the intersection of human-ing and Divine connection. I know that in other’s stories we hear our own and shape our lives anew. More on my background HERE.

I so look forward to connecting with you!

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Spirituality, Judaism, & Spiritual Diversity (aka what’s up with the rabbi thing)?!

Sacred Journey celebrates the diversity of our participants and the variety of meanings and approaches toward holiness for each person. We embrace the rainbow of spiritual expressions! This is a gathering place not restricted to a single faith, we incorporate the universal tools of contemplation, creative expression, ritual, and authentic sharing.

As a progressive rabbi, I use Jewish concepts as a starting place. For instance, how might we explore the concept of Sabbath more expansively? Jewish practice is rooted in honoring Shabbat, as a day of rest to step back from the world of doing into the world of being. There is a universality to the wisdom of Shabbat that can be a gift for each of us. Reconnecting with what truly matters and making time special and different from the rest of the week is a practice with all-embracing benefits.

Judaism is also rooted in nature’s cycles, and thus Sacred Journey incorporates the cycles of the moon, seasons, and themes of light and darkness as metaphors for our human experience.

I bring an expansive theology beyond Judaism into teaching techniques to connect with our Divine essence. For example, how can we feel the Mystery/Source/Transcendent by our side as we sit in moments of impatience, frustration, or pain? Can we expand our trust that growth will flow from struggles in vital ways to serve us in the future? Can we sense the Divine Process holding us so we don’t feel so alone? Can we expand our perspective to live knowing that our essence is limitless Divine Love and thus create our lives aligned with Source in harmonious creative flow with the Infinite?

Sacred Journey elevates each soul’s essence with Divine presence, playfulness, and gentleness so you may hear Spirit speaking in your voice.


The structure of each virtual gathering:

Each gathering is meant to be a meeting of our souls, in a way that allows us to learn, expand, heal, and bring this wisdom back into our daily lives.

During each gathering, we begin with a short story or guided visualization settling into sacred space together.

Then I will share a teaching on our current chapter’s theme. This might be quotes, a philosophy, or another way to play with a concept.

We will spend time exploring these ideas through guided refection, sharing as a group or in pairs, journaling, or making art. Sacred Journey members are invited to share how a theme lands in their hearts or what it inspires within them.

Each gathering will close with sharing what each person is holding with them and then we will conclude with a blessing.

Sometimes we share leadership-inviting a participant to contribute to an evening. It’s beautiful to offer our own gifts and learn from each other.

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FAQ ~ Logistics

-When may new participants join Sacred Journey?

We open registration at the beginning of each new chapter, 5 times a year.

-How many participants are in Sacred Journey?

We put a lot of intentionality towards an intimate journey with time for each person to speak, share, and ask questions. We limit Sacred Journey to 30 participants to create this safe space.

-How long is Sacred Journey?

Joining Sacred Journey is a transformational journey that weaves together your spiritual, emotional, and communal selves. We travel together as a group and nurture that cohesion. We ask participants to intentionally commit to Sacred Journey for a year when they begin. If for any reason you choose to end your participation, simply let us know before the first of the month when payments are processed.

We place a lot of intentionality around creating a group that feels committed and stable for us to do the sacred work we seek to do. Many of our participants have stayed with us since Sacred Journey began.

-How do we create safety for deep sharing?

It’s 100% normal to feel scared when we join a new group of people or share our emotions. I can promise you: A) that other new folks are experiencing similar feelings so you're in good company. B) We spend a lot of time and intentionality creating shared agreements for safe space– listening without judgment, confidentiality, sharing the floor, the power of silence, not needing to always fix or suggest, etc.

Participants never have to share, each person is granted their own sovereignty. These agreements offer everyone a foundation of reassurance and shared understanding.

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FAQ ~ Creating Sacred Space

-"I’m noticing how much I’m craving deep support, but I’m also feeling so darn tired. Is it ok to join when I feel like I’m running on empty?"

We feel ya! It IS tiring to feel like you’re juggling a million things and dropping half of them, or feeling so far from where you'd like to be despite a lot of hard work to change. Of course you feel fatigue, frustration, and maybe even some hopelessness. We have each been there and we get it.

Sacred Journey honors where each person find themself. Exactly where you are is perfect. Each stage of our unfolding is sacred. (Even when it feels like crap. Crappyness is equally sacred). We meet you where you are with open arms. This gentle welcoming often feels like a giant exhale and opens space for hearing the next right step on your path. Experiencing this in loving community heals and opens doors for more connection and vitality.

-"Can a virtual program really create the connection I seek?"

Sacred Journey is designed to be fully interactive with dynamic exercises and spaciousness for heartfelt sharing. The virtual format gives us the flexibility to gather in the convenience of our homes or when we’re away from home. We spend a lot of time creating safety for deep sharing so that our virtual experience offers depth and connection

We love in personal gatherings, too, and are working towards an in-person retreat together in the future.

-"How can I stay connected with other participants in between gatherings?"

We have a private discussion forum where we will provide discussion prompts and opportunities to connect with other participants. Folks share joyous moments from their lives, get support with sticky spots, and everything in between. You can participate as much or as little as your heart desires.

-"Are there opportunities for 1-1 support?"

Absolutely! If at any time you'd like individual guidance, I'm delighted to offer Sacred Journey participants 10% off spiritual coaching sessions. Info HERE.

-What if I miss a session?

All sessions will be recorded. If you miss one, you will receive a replay!

-What kind of results will I get?

Coming together with a shared intention for living from love opens a door for each person to feel seen and affirmed in their own truth. When a soul feels seen, lives expand in extraordinary ways. Sacred journey is filled with opportunities to clarify what you yearn for and then to align your heart, mind, and action to those desires. You are guaranteed a loving community to cheer you on and receive support. We encourage dreaming big, always!

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"Jessica is literally my personal ambassador of magic...I don't even have the right words yet. I am overflowing with so much gratitude and excitement!!!! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU. Shocked, stoked, and gratefully yours." -Stacy

"You have such an amazing gift for bringing strangers together and creating a sense of connection and interconnectedness. Your boundless authenticity and love creates sacred space." -Susan

"Your presence in my life is a blessing and inspiration. Your smile and joy is infectious and always helps put perspective in all situations. Your open heart and deep kindness have helped me become a better and more cognizant person. I so appreciate your work, your steadiness, and your love." -Vicki


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"Sacred Journey is the medicine my higher Self knew I needed but didn't know I could find. It's been so healing and inspiring to meet with other thoughtful people as we engage in our unique yet overlapping sacred journeys. Jessica has a gift for balancing depth and joy in what often become life-changing conversations in each session. I'm hugely grateful for Sacred Journey and can't wait for the next chapter!" -Lizzie

"Sacred journey has been life changing and always seems to embrace every nuance of every one of the members perfectly; encouraging, embracing and emboldening us all to live more fully and with more connection and freedom to be ourselves fully." - Rebecca

"I have been in Sacred Journey for only a few months, but don’t feel like I’m new. All the group members were very welcoming, and have treated me the same as long timers. The group is very supportive, we are all working together on our own spiritual journeys. The opening breathing meditations truly help me step out of the hurry of each day. Every session there is something new to explore. Rabbi Jessica is an incredibly supportive and warm facilitator, a spirit that permeates the group. Jessica is not just a facilitator, she is on the journey with us. We all learn from each other. The group feels like family to me, and I love it." -Tim

"Jessica is an amazing facilitator and truly beautiful soul. Her Divine nature creates and holds a sacred space for healing and transformation. I am eternally grateful." The focus on enchantment and joy was exactly what I needed to get me 'back in the saddle' of my true self." -Michelle


"Every activity, conversation, and moment completely exceeded my expectations." -Chelsea

"Your words always inspire me. I so appreciate and admire your ability to bring out the best in us." -Melanie

"Jessica's unique and powerful blend of unique spirituality, humor and deep wisdom created a powerful and safe container for me to gain insight and ah-ha's. Because she draws from such a mix of philosophies, writers, experiences, and traditions, there is something for everyone." -Stacy

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What Sacred Journey Is Calling You Forward?

Join the Community, Connection, and Spirit!