Speaking & Writing
Rabbi Marshall is pleased to offer expertise to wedding and creative ritual related television shows, podcasts, magazines, and blogs. Members of the media are welcome to contact for interviews, quotes, photos or appearances.
Weavers and Healers Podcast
Spiritual Paths and Partnerships, Nurturing Our Capacity for Love
When I used to dream about meeting my "person" I envisioned the early morning sunlight on her face, her coming up behind me in the kitchen as we made breakfast, impromptu dance parties and other similar ponies-and-rainbows moments.
What I never imagined was the way my capacity for love would shoot into the stratosphere, or the way my spiritual connection would skyrocket.
And I certainly had no idea about how I would be invited to heal old wounds or be shown the ways my own rigidity were keeping me from the all-encompassing love I most sought.
There has been a plethora of ponies-and-rainbows moments and oh so much growth....
It was a joy to be in conversation with Betsy McDonald on her Weavers and Healers podcast to speak about Spiritual Paths and Partnerships with my sweetie Zenia.
I look forward to hearing what this conversation sparks in you!
If you'd like to go deeper, here's another interview Zenia and I did about our spiritual partnership.
Queerly Beloved Podcast
Making Rituals
In this playful interview, Wil Fisher and I explore the power of rituals and all of the different expressions of creating rituals. I share my 2 guiding frameworks for crafting ritual and how we can hear Spirit/Divinity in ever-nuanced ways.
We speak about retreats and the power of consciously choosing to move ourselves beyond the default world.
Traversing the expansive ways queerness invites us to BE love in the world, I touch on inclusive understandings of Divine love, worthiness and self-love, and love of others for exactly who they are as paths to bring us from 3D to 5D living. Love is the bridge.
Listen HERE or on any of your favorite podcast platforms.
Wil joined me on my Sacred Stories podcast, listen to our past interview HERE.
Real Fit Podcast
What a delight to join journalist and intuitive eating coach Pam Moore on the Real Fit podcast and dive into my life as an athlete. We discuss everything from snacks to spirituality including:
-The road bike adventure that turned me into a cyclist
-The single most powerful way I grow my business
-How I inject ritual into everyday (and why it matters)
-Transforming my relationship with food
-Connecting with our soul and the Divine
... and so much more.
Listen HERE or search Real Fit on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you like to listen.

What's Betwixt Us
Empathy in Ritual with Rabbi Jessica Marshall
Empathy is the most sacred invitation to allow what needs to come to the surface so that it can be loved.
I'm honored to share this conversation as I join Lyssa Mandel and Zanie on the podcast What’s Betwixt Us, heartfelt stories about empathy at work.
We dive into my favorite topic, exploding paradigms and my unique path as I followed inner guidance from a more traditional synagogue to my own aligned, flourishing rabbinate.
We talk about the power of sitting with and witnessing people in pain, seeing everything as an invitation to the sacred, and the wisdom in our hearts that’s as knowledgeable as what’s in our brains.
I share about integrating empathy into building creative, diverse, and personal offerings for lifecycle rituals, retreats, women’s gatherings, and spiritual coaching.
I am so looking forward to hearing what this conversation sparks for you.
You can also find this podcast on RadioPublic, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and Google Podcasts.
The Awaken Podcast
"That. Was. Ah-MAZ-ing!!!!"
Those were my exact thoughts after joining Keira Poulsen on The Awaken Podcast.
Keira’s connection to Spirit is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. She brings the profound combination of nurturing Divine Mother, overflowing belief in our power, and passion for life! Keira is masterful at guiding women to free themselves from the oppression of trauma to magnificently share their gifts with the world.
You’ll hear in our exchange the mutual deep respect between us.
I’m so excited to share this conversation with you about…
✫ My path from a traditional rabbinate to integrating mysticism and metaphysics. ✫ YOUR radical invitation in creating ritual.
✫Nature as a portal to healing and empowerment.
✫What has me ON FIRE right now! (I got so excited, I could barely speak). :)
And please let me know your favorite part, I love tailoring future conversations for my community!
Courageous Self-Care
What an honor to join Christina Marlett on the Courageous Self-Care Podcast for a juicy conversation about captivating JOY! And journeying through holiday family dynamics. ;)
Christina wisely reminds us that self care is so much more than bubble baths and chocolate. She deftly weaves personal stories, expert tools, and inspiring invitations to elevate our self-care. This podcast offers each of us a beautiful variety of ways to connect our spirituality, mindfulness, and personal growth to self-care.
Tune in as we explore:
✶Bringing JOY into our self-compassion!
✶Infusing sizzle, JOY, and playfulness into the everyday allowing life to flow with greater ease.
✶Using JOY to elevate a deep connection to Spirit/Mystery/Divine, a force that wants to give us our most aligned life.
✶Magnifying practices of playfulness and delight as an invitation to consistently experience more JOY and spiritual connection in our life!
✶Staying in our own joy and light while giving someone else the dignity of their own experience.
✶A story of courage from my life.
If captivating JOY sounds like a magical way to journey through life, get ready for Sacred Sizzle, a 7 week virtual soul-gathering to Elevate Spirit, Magnetize Dreams, & Captivate JOY! Sign up for more info HERE!
PS. “Fun Detectives” coined by Natalie Roy and Kristin Hanggi HERE.
Women Rabbis Talk
I join Rabbis Emma Gottlieb and Marci Bellows Lindenman for a rich conversation exploring:
- Dancing between Reform rabbi, mystic, and metaphysics.
- My own understanding of truths that are beyond the intellect and direct experience with the Mystery.
- A theology that the Universe wants to offer us a life beyond our wildest dreams if we can tap into it.
- The way our thoughts create our reality and how we embrace an expansive way of being and a joyful experience of life!
- Elevating intuition
Honoring soul-wisdom
Less hustle, more alignment
All of the ways women lift each other up
Harnessing desire: What lights up my being? What feels expansive and joyous?
- The power of immersive experiences & giving each other permission slips
Creating sense of belonging, feeling deeply seen, and a soul-tribe of support.
Living an aligned, juicy life, & enabling participants to dream bigger than we thought possible!
Nature-inspired rituals to mark life's moments--challenges, transitions, and momentous occasions!
Reclaiming mikvah, marking transitions in Living Waters.
This wide ranging conversation between 3 rabbis offers a glimpse into the spectrum of our evolving rabbinates and topics close to our hearts.
Dance OUR Dreams
What happens when a rabbi and a DJ walk into a podcast?
A whole lotta magic--laughter, authenticity, and spiritual tools! Together we dive into:
~Inclusive spiritual practices
~Flipping the old paradigm of action, result, feeling to:
Feeling --> Aligned Action --> Results with Integrity
~Choosing the mindset and energy we want to bring to challenges large and small.
~The power of small gestures
~What the Talmud has to say about infusing a sense of delight and joy into the everyday.
DJ Valerie brings a stirring commitment to healing our world with each podcast through her lens of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Check out what happens when we bring JOY and wonder to our healing.
Your Living Brand Live
I join brand marketing expert Ben Baker for a wholehearted conversation exploring:
- How the heck I decided to become a rabbi.
- What I've learned the most when responding to tragedy.
- The essence of my work when serving wedding couples (and a special discount code for wedding referrals)!
- The journey of being a woman rabbi--how far we've come and how far we have to go.
- A quote that guides my life.
Facebook Live Coffee Talk: Rituals Of Release
I join relationship coach Erin Celeste for a conversation about rituals for relationship transitions. We'll explore Rituals Of Release offering compassion with all that is, the magic of releasing, and opening to future possibilities.
Juicy nuggets:
~The best metaphor for ritual I've ever heard.
~A really fun way to bring magic into ritual.
~Ritual only needs these 3 elements.
~Ways to use the power of the moon in ritual.
This is perfect for anyone looking to release a relationship, an expectation, situation, or a loss.
Published Writing

Book Review: Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives
Where are you in the journey of inviting holiness into your life?
Where might you consider going?
These powerful questions Rabbi Edwin C. Goldberg and Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher ask as they conclude Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives.
One excerpt from Rabbi John L. Rosove explores the idea of the Divine present in Creation while recounting a childhood memory. He and his brother were lying in the grass looking up at the blue sky. One day John’s brother said, “You know, there is no ceiling.”
This profound childhood statement led me to an even deeper place: the truth of boundless potential. The Divine creates out of the infinite. Truly, there are no limits or impossibilities in creation. As humans, we impose lack, scarcity, and judgment. The Divine, however, creates from a place of abundance. As we co-create our lives with Source, we get to choose whether we place ceilings on our lives.
Read the entire article HERE.
Published by the CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Spring 2022
Sacred Encounter: Women's Rituals and Retreats
Years ago, I found myself in a yurt in rural Washington State.
Mason jars filled with smiling daisies sat proudly on each night-stand. A box of mini chocolates with ribbons rivaling Macy’s store windows flanked each vase. Throw pillows in vibrant magentas, peacock blues, and merlots nestled on twin beds sitting alongside canvas yurt walls. Lovingly placed on my bed was a journal with a quote by Evelyn Beilenson on the cover reading, “In the midst of our lives, we must find the magic that makes our souls soar.”
My heart swelled with both uncertainty and promise. Soul soaring magic sounded infinitely better than how I was feeling.
Read the entire article HERE.
Published by the CCAR Journal Spring/Summer 2021.
Manifest and Surrender
Exploring rockin' the vision board versus stepping back to allow and receive.
Published by Beliefnet. 2018.
Choosing Faith
Exploring living with authentic faith.
Published by Beliefnet. 2017.
Sitting With The Unknown: Continual Revelation Of The Not-Yet Revealed
How can we stay open to the continual revelation of the not-yet-revealed? And how is sitting with the unknown an invitation to welcome the Divine presence?
Published by RAVBLOG: Reform Rabbis Speak. 2016
Sacred Becoming: PRIDE Shabbat 2021 Sermon
I was so honored to speak at PRIDE Shabbat services for Rabbi Emma Gottlieb's Temple Israel community in Cape Town, South Africa!
“So... when did you know.. you were a lesbian?”
This inquiry came from my grandma at her ripe age of 96. Even in her mid-nineties, my grandma was still quite sharp. Her short term memory, however, was non-existent. During every conversation we had, at about 60 second intervals, I would be asked, “So, Jessica, when did you know you were a lesbian?”
This sermon explores the Divine as a process of becoming.
Who are we with and beyond labels?
Who are you called to become?
Delivered virtually for Temple Israel, June 2021. CLICK HERE for the sermon.
Soul-Wisdom, Aligned Choices
Consider a time you made a big decision or took a leap.... How do we know when the fear surrounding our decision is because doing the right thing can be scary OR because there’s an inner warning that we're making a mistake?
How do we know when we feel true intuition versus a reactionary fear?
How do we tap into a deeper wisdom?
I share part of the story of how I came to move from Seattle to Denver and the adventure of honoring my soul-wisdom.
This sermon explores these themes vis a vis the Torah's matriarch Rebekah who instigates the infamous story of one twin stealing the other's birthright.
Delivered at Congregation Hakafa, November 2019. CLICK HERE for the sermon.
*Art: The Homage by Marc Chagall, 1972. (©ARS, NY; Scala/Art Resource.)
A Commandment of JOY?!
How do we hold joy while others suffer?
What does it look like to claim joy without guilt?
How do we summon joy when we're truly struggling?
Join me as I explore these themes... beginning with a searing question as I sat on the couch during therapy. :)
Rosh Hashana 2019/5780
Delivered at Temple Shir Tikvah, Winchester, MA
Communally Blessed: A Coming Out Story. Pride Shabbat 2019
I was honored to be asked to deliver the sermon at Pride Shabbat services. And standing before a room of strangers to tell my story felt both intimidating and deeply right.
I called my mom on the way to services to tell her she was getting a major shot out in my sermon. She had no memory of the phone call I reference--which makes it all the better. :)
Who Are You? And What Are You Doing Here?
A wrong turn leads Rabbi Akivah to a Roman fortress and a series of soul-stirring questions. Yom Kippur words at shared Judaism Your Way's morning service...what does it mean to return to our hearts?
Delivered on Yom Kippur 2017/5778.
Temple Beth Or Farewell Sermon
My heart and soul are forever touched by the generosity, compassion, humor, integrity, respect, and light of Temple Beth Or.
It is not easy to leave a place when things are good, when there is so much shared love and deep respect and connection. Sometimes when good things come to an end, they end precisely because they were good.
Forgiving ourselves frees our energies to tell a new story of who we are. If the Divine exercises ultimate compassion, how can we aspire to less?
Delivered on Rosh Hashana 2016/5777.
Struggling with Mental Illness
A Jewish response to those who suffer and those who caretake.
Delivered on Kol Nidre 2016/5777.
Gun Control
How do we address gun violence from a Jewish perspective?
Delivered on Shabbat Shuvah 2016/5777.
Yitro’s Invitation
How do we construct our lives to implement our values? How do we strive toward equilibrium?
Delivered on Rosh Hashana 2015/5775
An Imitation of Death Through the Power of Vulnerability
God does not desire perfection, just our authenticity and striving.
Delivered on Kol Nidre 2012/5772