Rituals & Meditations
"In ritual, the world as lived and the world as imagined... turn out to be the same world." ~Casper ter Kuile
Sacred Paradox
A short story about a time in my life when I wrestled with opposing truths. This piece concludes with a ritual to listen inward as we hold multiples truths or desires.
"May life’s paradoxes be a Divine summons to make sacred space for multiple truths.
May we trust our own inner knowing, our own soul wisdom, to bless the beauty of contradiction and Mystery."

Solstice & New Year
"I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away." ―Oriah Mountain Dreamer
This year exploded paradigms and lifted veils.
It asked us to look at our shadows.
It pleaded with us to re-create reality.
As we sit with all that was asked of us, and all that we asked,
Here are journaling questions to create new foundations.
These journaling prompts invite us to hear the answers within.
Our inner wisdom holds the answers to soul-aligned living when we create the sacred space to listen!
Our earth is shifting, the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020 marks a new era of universal humanitarian changes and shining light into the darkest places. This radiance magnifies into the New Year.
These journaling prompts offer you a path to hear inner truths waiting to emerge.
✨ Research by Jim Collins finds 3 things that consistently lead to a profoundly fulfilling life:
- More simplicity
- More time spent in flow state
- More time with loved ones
Your journaling questions guide you into clarity in each of these areas.
Your special Solstice and New Year package includes:
- A 28 minute guided meditation to lead you into heart-centered, intuition before journaling.
- 8 journaling questions
- Guidance for integrating your answers into daily practices.
$18 for your Meditation and Journaling Questions
*For folks excited about spiritual coaching after you complete your journaling, visit options HERE!

Intention Setting Ritual
This ritual is perfect anytime we would like to create an intention for something we are welcoming in. Offering rituals of intention around the new moon or any new chapter of life is a wonderful time to manifest dreams or welcome in possibilities.
The Jewish calendar is based on the moon and her cycles. Each new month starts with the new moon as a sliver of light in the dark skies. The Rabbis ask why the new month begins with the new moon and not a full moon?
The new moon carries with her a glimmer of potential. She is the promise of greater and greater light amidst the inky sky.
The month moves from this sliver of potential into the brilliant fullness of the full moon. May we each hold this metaphor of moving from nascent potential to expansive fulfillment close to our hearts.
Ritual for Releasing: Sanctifying an Ending
This ritual is perfect when we are releasing a relationship, an expectation, or a loss. It guides participants through compassion with all that is, the magic of releasing, and opening to future possibilities. It is best done in community and can also be done solo.
This ritual is perfectly paired with my Coffee with Celeste Facebook Live interview.
Sacred Pilgrimage: Ritual for Challenging Travels
Some visits bring up our tender spots. This ritual can be used during a challenging visit or adapted to bring intentionality and spiritual strength into a journey of any kind.

Wisdom From Our 85 Year-Old Self Meditation
This is one of my favorite meditations to connect with inner truth!
✨We each possess deep wisdom within. This meditation is a powerful way to tap into inner knowing and alignment via our 85 year old perspective.
✨As you connect with your 85 year old self, you can ask them any questions or anything you're feeling unsure about. Connecting with deep inner wisdom feels clear and expansive.
✨I invite you to have a journal ready to capture any “aha"s that emerge from this meditation.
This meditation is the perfect complement to my Sacred Stories conversation with Dr. Rebecca Ray. Listen to her story HERE
Music: The Hidden Valley by Peder B. Helland
Becoming the Dream: A Guided Meditation
"A change of feeling is a change of destiny." -Neville
This 9-minute meditation guides listeners to connect with a dream that lights up your being. Use it to shift into juicy space of aliveness and co-creation with the Universe.
This meditation is perfectly paired with the Dance Our Dreams podcast.