Sacred Stories with Dr. Rebecca Ray

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Sacred Stories with Dr. Rebecca Ray: The Universe Listens to Brave

The second I heard Dr. Rebecca Ray speak, I knew her wisdom around breaking old psychological patterns, model of deep authenticity, and wicked sense of humor would make for a transformative Sacred Story. Join Beck and I for this vulnerable conversation about exploding paradigms for how we envision our love stories and professional horizons.

Beck’s romantic relationships in her 20’s left a heck of a lot to be desired. She was holding out for a 6’4” cowboy before finally deciding she’d be single forever at the ripe age of 33. When she met Nyssa, the soul-love Beck felt was scary. “Life brought me something more wonderful than I ever could have imagined, if only I’d let myself have it.”

Beck was fearful at first to fully accept the deep love Nyssa offered because it went against everything she had assumed about her life. Our subconscious is so good at resisting new experiences because it equates unknown with unsafe. Beck saw this sneaky pattern playing out in her and knew that if she did not dive into it more deeply, it would sabotage what she was building with Nyssa. Creating a new paradigm for relationships--something more wonderful than we ever could imagine--is exhilarating and scary. She reminds us that entering into this perspective takes courage, and that courage often includes softness with ourselves and others.

Beck exploded another paradigm in her professional life. After profound burnout running a private psychiatric practice, Beck challenged her own assumptions about what her life as a psychologist could be. She danced with old patterns of pessimism and impatience (self proclaimed specialties) when transitioning to writing, teaching, and podcasting. This shift into trust and patience in the face of income uncertainty was another invitation to be brave alongside her fear.

I know this dance well. Leaving a beloved job because my soul knew I was meant to be nestled in the Rockies and working for myself was scary. It was challenging to explain it to family members who didn’t get it, and it was scary to leave behind a steady salary! I have never regretted honoring that deep knowing about the life I want to create for myself. When fear arises, I return to the truth that it’s not fear that keeps us safe, but intuition.

Each of us can learn from Beck’s insights about how we show up for our own inner truth, our own soul-alignment.

I connected with Dr. Rebecca Ray via Aléa Lovely. Our sacred community only grows! Find Aléa’s Sacred Story HERE.

Rebecca’s story invites us to consider:

~ What are the ways my fear about getting what I truly want sabotages my ability to receive? For instance, if I am scared about professional freedom, in what ways does repeating a story of lack or fear block me from the openness to uncover new potential professional opportunities?

~ What assumptions about your life are asking to be released? What “shoulds” feel like heavy burdens of doom? What new rules can you create for how to honor the life the Universe wants to give you?

~ What permission slips might your 80 year old self offer you NOW that you don’t have to wait to receive until you are 80?!! Harnessing the sagacity of our 80’s is a beautiful way to use our inner wisdom to step into aligned living. Stay tuned for my visiting your 85 year old self meditation for one of my favorite ways to shift perspectives!

About Rebecca:

Dr Rebecca Ray is an Author, Speaker, and Clinical Psychologist. She uses a science-backed, heart and hard truth approach to helping big-picture-thinking female entrepreneurs, like you, live a life that’s fulfilling, unapologetic, and free. Rebecca has been a Clinical Psychologist for the best part of two decades and is the creator of digital courses including Overcoming Self-Sabotage: From Paralysis to Progress and Radical Courage: Transforming Fear into Freedom. She is the author of The Art of Self-Kindness, The Universe Listens to Brave and Be Happy: 35 Powerful Methods for Personal Growth and Well-Being. Rebecca can be found online daily, interacting with her community about using courage and brain potential to create an impactful business that makes a meaningful difference in the world, while going gently on ourselves.

Connect with Rebecca:

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest: @drrebeccaray

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